Shipping & Returns
We will gladly accept a return for a full refund within 7 days of original purchase date. All we ask is that you send the items back to us in the ORIGINAL UNUSED PACKAGING and make sure the products are in the same condition as when you received them (UNUSED and with ORIGINAL tags).
Returns will take 5-10 days to be processed after receipt in our warehouse.
Just follow the easy steps below:
All returns must be marked with a Return Authorization Number (RMA) obtained from our warranty dept.
To obtain a RMA number, send an email including your invoice number from your original receipt, your name, address and contact information to
Package the item(s) securely in the original box if possible.
Enclose a copy of your invoice and place a return shipping label over the original label on the box.
Drop off your package with the appropriate shipping carrier and be sure to keep a copy of your invoice and tracking number. If you do not have the original box, contact our customer service for support. Please make sure your shipping is prepaid, as we are unable to accept C.O.D. returns.
Our Mailing Address:
315 Cloverleaf Dr, Suite D
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Once your return is received and approved, a credit will be made in the original form of payment within 7 days. Unfortunately, we cannot refund the original shipping charges.
Domestic customers are responsible for their return shipping fees.
International customers are responsible for their return shipping fees and will also be charged 15% restocking fees.
If you wish to exchange a product, you will need to return the original items (unused and with original tags) within 30 days of purchase. We encourage you to place your new order while we process your return and credit to get the fastest turnaround.
For assistance, please contact us at
* We do not cover return shipping costs.
* Luxtrada is not responsible for packages lost in transit.